Now Booking clients for The Aligned Entrepreneur

a 4/6 Self-Projected Projector, Aquarius Sun, Pisces Moon, and Virgo Rising. I'm a lover of all things astrology and human design, and I've got a special knack for the world of business & entrepreneurship that I can't deny. Cosmic Entrepreneurship is my soul's calling in this life, and I'm eager and excited to take you along for the ride.

I'm Keelie,

hey there

send some love!

I realized that this unshakeable feeling that I was meant to be doing more with my life was all for a reason... I desired more meaningful and fulfilling work because it's what my soul desired for me. And so, I listened. In 2022, I took the leap from my 9-to-5 corporate accounting career to start my own business as a full-time coach & consultant.

Leaving behind the safety and security of my corporate job was one of the scariest decisions of my entire life, but I did it; I followed my heart and never once looked back. Entrepreneurship is a journey for the soul, and not a day goes by where I don't thank myself for having the courage to leap into the unknown to live my soul's dreams. Now, today, I get to support other leaders, visionaries, entrepreneurs, and business owners on the path to living their soul's dreams.

The greatest gift in the world is the gift of life, and how beautiful it is to live one that we absolutely love & cherish.


Deep down, I knew I was meant to be doing          with my life. 

I've never felt a certainty like I do today around who I am and what I'm meant to be doing with my life. I didn't always feel this way, though. In fact, it took me years to feel this level of solidity and certainty around my purpose in the world. I remember my years working in corporate as a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) where I would wake up every morning feeling incredibly lost & confused about my direction in life. I wondered to myself, "Is this it? Is this how life is supposed to look?" 

start a dog rescue

someday I want to:

not living my fullest potential

I am afraid of:


Coffee or tea?

neutral tones

My favorite color is:

whatever my soul desires

If I wasn't a coach, I would be:

studying & learning

when I'm not working, I'm:


Get to know me

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